
Leverage Vyzrd's cutting-edge, generative AI enabled, technology platform to quantify the impact of climate change to your business or investments.

Neural network

Vyzrd’s climate intelligence platform provides a range of Climate & ESG solutions via a unified analytics platform

ClimaTick™ - Climate Analytics

Quantifying the impact of climate change to the financial performance and share price of companies.

  • Quantify company level financial, strategic and operational implications of climate change, incorporating physical risk, transition risk and transition opportunity.
  • Supports Corporates, SME, consultants, financial institutions, government bodies and regulators to understand the financial, enterprise risk and strategic impact of climate change to their business or investments.
  • Using sophisticated climate scenario analysis to transforms complex climate science into meaningful and actionable insights, supporting regulatory compliance, business and investment decision making.
A snow-capped mountain that features a glacial landform. The landscape is a stunning combination of snow, sky, and natural beauty.


Combines ESG data with business operations and financial analysis to analyse the “so what” of ESG.

  • Integrate ESG metrics into company financial performance analysis, sustainability monitoring, ESG assurance and reporting.
  • Supports Corporates, SME, consultants, financial institutions, government bodies and regulators with a platform that optimises ESG data collection across 1500+ attributes and 40 ESG themes for comprehensive ESG insights.
  • Broad applications for M&A due diligence, supply chain due diligence, corporate litigation, compliance and portfolio management.
A tree with many branches.

Vyzrd support a broad range of Climate & ESG solutions

Corporates & SME

A tall glass skyscraper reflecting the sky. It features symmetrical architecture.


A close-up of a stock market chart.

Asset Owners & Asset Managers

A close-up of a stock market chart

Private Equity

A low angle view of tall buildings in a metropolitan area. The buildings appear to be skyscrapers and corporate headquarters, and the image captures the urban cityscape against the sky.


A snow-covered mountains with a cloudy sky.

Governments & Regulators

a large white building with columns, set against a backdrop of clouds and trees. It appears to be an outdoor government building or courthouse with a grassy area in front of it.

Vyzrd is the leading climate risk intelligence platform globally, and offers the following key benefits:

The Vyzrd Advantage

Learn more about how Vyzrd can support your Climate & ESG agenda